
Torque/Angle Calibration Laboratories

ACCREDIA Accredited Laboratories for Torque Calibration

Calibration Laboratories

The SCS Concept accredited laboratory for the calibration of the torque and the angle of torque tools, since 2018, has been recognized by ACCREDIA, the Italian accreditation body, and operates in compliance with the UNI CEI EN ISO / IEC 17025 and the requirements of the same body.

Accredia is a member of the international networks of accreditation bodies (EA, IAF and ILAC) and is a signatory of the relevant international Mutual Recognition Agreements.

The Mutual Recognition Agreements carried out by the equivalence on the market of certifications, inspections, verifications, tests and calibrations carried out by and by accredited laboratories.

Our calibration laboratory, as part of the development of measuring instruments, provides accredited torque and angle calibrations of tools used for tightening, issuing Calibration Certificates in accordance with international agreements and lines industry guide.

These calibrations are performed by comparison with reference measurement equipment, whose Metrological Referability is traceable to the national measurement standards maintained by the Physikalisch-Technische-Bundesanstalt (PTB).

The torque and angle calibration certificates issued by our laboratory are admitted in all countries signed by the EA, IAF and ILAC mutual recognition agreements.

The ACCREDITED calibrations provide Metrological Referability to national or international standards and are performed through the use of suitable ACCREDITED technique and by technically competent personnel. The activities of our calibration laboratory are defined by the Accreditation Table, which specifies the metrological sectors, measurement ranges and the uncertainty that the laboratory is able to recognize for each measurement result.

Accredia Certificate                      Accreditation Table

Our laboratory can operate as a permanent laboratory or as a laboratory for external calibration (at the customer).
The ability to perform external calibrations allows the customer to eliminate the immobilization times of the instruments and the costs for the bureaucratic management that revolves around the certification of the same.
The elimination of shipments and packaging will also lead to significant savings.
External calibrations will therefore save you time and costs.
Of course it is always possible to send the instruments to our laboratory.

Calibration Laboratories
Calibration Laboratories

Our Calibration Services

Torque calibration:

  • 0,1 – 5 000 N·m

Which instrument can we calibrate:

  • Test benches and systems for Nutrunners
  • Test benches and systems for torque wrenches
  • Digital torque wrenches
  • Torque transducers static and dynamic
  • Mechanical torque wrenches

According which procedures:

  • DIN 51309 :2022-08
  • DKD-R 3-7 :2018-09
  • DKD-R 3-8 :2020-02
  • Machine capability test and internal accredited procedure inspired to ISO 6789

Angle calibration, which instrument can we calibrate:

  • Test benches and systems for Nutrunner with angle simulation
  • Torque&Angle wrenches
  • Torque&Angle rotary transducers

According which procedure:

  • VDI/VDE 2648

Electric calibration of amplifiers