Software designed to manage the quality control of a production line, the management of all the tools (supplier, models, technical specifications) and the related quality control tests (Cm-Cmk and X/R charts).
SQnet+ – Production line quality control management software
SQnet+ Your Quality Process Manager
For a better overview of the complete production process, SQnet+ allows the management of all operations, with the associated tools and of the process control (Residual torque). The system provides a complete situation of Torque & Angle tests on the tools, compared to the process control on the related joint.
Tools Test
- 1 or 2 steps tool
- Pulse tool
- Click wrench
- Dial wrench
- ISO 6789
- ISO 5393
Quality Control
- Smart Breakaway
- Breakaway angle
- Breakaway peak
- Loosen/Tighten
- Minimum torque
- Loose torque
- Statistic process control
- Cm-Cmk and X/R charts
- Cp-Cpk and X/R charts
- Global traces composition
- Customized reports
- Export to Excel
- User management
- Tools archives
- Joint archive
- Test scheduling
- Route of tests for control instruments
- Data traceability with VIN management
- Miglioramento della qualità in produzione
- Report e statistiche
- Dati strutturati e tracciabili
- Connessione a tutti gli strumenti SCS
- Funzioni personalizzabili per il cliente
- Production line quality improvement
- Reports and statistics
- Structured data and traceability
- Connectivity with all SCS reporting capable products
- Custom functions per customer need
Customizable functions for specific customer needs
Control Instruments
SCS Instruments Programming
Local PC Database
Local Bench Database
Network Database
Reports Customizable by the Customer
Power Tools and Wrench Management
- Tools archive
- Tests definition
- Tests scheduling
- Cm-Cmk analysis and X/R charts
Results, Traces, Statistics
Operations (joints) Managements
for easy and quick test definition and execution
- Tightening operations archive
- Residual torque test definition
- Test scheduling
- Cp-Cpk analysis and X/R charts