Laboratorio Accreditato di Taratura – ACCREDIA

SCS Concept Italia ha raggiunto nei giorni scorsi l’importante traguardo dell’accreditamento da parte di ACCREDIA, l’Ente Italiano di accreditamento, come Laboratorio Accreditato di Taratura per la grandezza Momento Torcente, operante in conformità alla norma UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 ed ai requisiti ACCREDIA.

Norma DIN 51309:2005 e Certificato di Taratura

Norma DIN 51309: Presentazione e certificato di taratura.

DataTouch³: The perfect solution for tool-tests and process-control

Blog post on 22/12/2014 SCS Concept presents the forerunner of a new generation of datacollectors: it’s the DataTouch³. This instrument can be connected via wireless to various types of SCS

SCS Concept at the Assembly Show 2014 in Chicago

    Blog post on 25/11/2014 Few days ago closed at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont (Chicago – Illinois) the 2nd Annual Assembly Show. This is one of the most

The new SCS Concept facility in France

Blog post on 14/11/2014 Nine years ago SCS Concept was born in France as a distribution company in the industrial sector. Over time the company has become the supplier of