
Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Moduli di Formazione

Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q1



creation of form and layout – securing the accessibility of fastening positions, installation space for instal-lation and testing (traceability)


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties
Geometric data of the test equipment used
Geometric data of the tightening tools used


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2

DIN EN ISO 11148-6

DIN EN 1005

ISO 11228-1 to -3

VDI/VDE 2862

Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q2



design of the components (elements to be tightened together) – functional and geometric design or calculation in the form and layout of the components to be connected


Required competences:

Calculation and design of the bolted joint (according to VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2, for example)

Material and surface properties of the components

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Coefficients of friction in the bolted joint

Available installation tools, emergency strategy tools, measurement, and testing equipment

Preparation of the specification (e.g. drawing, data sheet)


Relevant technical rules:

VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2

ISO 26262-1 to -10

ISO 8992

ISO 898-1 to -3

DIN EN ISO 16047

DIN 7500

DIN EN 20273

Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q3



design of the fastener (tightening element) – design or modification of a connecting element to meet functional require-ments


Required competences:

Calculation and design of the bolted joint (according to VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2, for example)

Material and surface properties of the components

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Production of connecting elements

Coefficients of friction in the bolted joint

Available adapter tools (e.g. socket wrench, adapter, special tool, etc.)

Preparation of the specification (e.g. drawing, data sheet)

Available installation tools, emergency strategy tools, measurement, and testing equipment


Relevant technical rules:

VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2

ISO 8992

ISO 898

DIN EN ISO 16047

DIN 7500

VDA 235-203

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 3

VDA 235-101

DIN 267-27

DIN 267-28

DIN EN 15865

ISO 3269

ISO 4042

ISO 10683

ISO 10684

Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q4



determination of the bolted joint category – application of relevant methods to analyse and assess the risk of failure, determination of the bolted joint category taking into account the applicable standards and guidelines


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Functionality of the overall system of the bolted joint taking into account the load collective

Application of methods to analyse and assess the risk of bolted joints failing

Classification into the corresponding bolted joint categories or classes


Relevant technical rules:

DIN EN ISO 12100

ISO 26262

VDI/VDE 2862

DIN 25201-7

VDA Vol. 4


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q5



determination of documentation requirements – Deviating from or supplementary to the specification of category, an addition-al documentation requirement may be applied.


Required competences:

Functionality of the overall system of the bolted joint taking into account the load collective

Know-how of measures relevant to the corresponding bolted joint categories or classes
Internal and legal requirements for ocumentation


Relevant technical rules:

VDA Vol. 1


VDI/VDE 28622


IATF 16949

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2 and Part 3

Legal requirements: product liability act (ProdHaftG), for example


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q6



calculation of a bolted joint – determination of the installation preload FV, which must be applied to the bolted joint to ensure the functionality of the bolted joint while taking into ac-count possible settling losses; performance of the calculation


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Calculation and design of the bolted joint (according to VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2, for example)

Material and surface properties of the components and connection elements

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Factors influencing the target parameter; see parameters diagram in Figure 1

Coefficients of friction in the bolted joint

Functionality of the overall system of the bolted joint taking into account the load collective


Relevant technical rules:

VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2

ISO 26262-1 to -10

ISO 8992

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2 and Part 3

VDI/VDE 2862

ISO 898-1 to -3

DIN EN ISO 16047

DIN 7500

DIN EN 1090

DIN EN 1591

Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q7



selection of the connecting element (tightening element) – selection of a connecting element to meet functional requirements


Required competences:

Calculation and design of the bolted joint (according to VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2, for example)

Selection of the connection elements on the basis of geometry, material, and surface

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Coefficients of friction in the bolted joint

Properties of the materials and surfaces of components and their relationships


Relevant technical rules:

VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2

ISO 26262-1 to -10

ISO 8992

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 3

ISO 898

DIN EN ISO 16047

DIN 7500

VDA 235-203

Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q8



determination of the connecting element to be tightened (through-bolted joints) – determination of the connection element to be rotated and held firmly


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Geometric data of the test equipment used

Geometric data of the tightening tools used


Relevant technical rules:

VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2

DIN EN 1090-2

DIN EN 1591


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q9



determination of the tightening procedure with target and, optionally, additional parameters – selection of a fastening method which is most suitable (technically, economi-cally, and ergonomically) for introducing the previously determined “installa-tion preload” FM into the bolted joint, specification of control and, where applicable, check variables (depending on the bolted joint category) and also, where applicable, the installation rotation speed(s)


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Calculation and design of the bolted joint (according to VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2, for example)

Materials and surfaces of the components and connection elements

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Specification of the tightening procedure

Factors influencing the target parameter; see parameters diagram (Figure 1)

Coefficients of friction in the bolted joint

Interpretation of fastening trials, for example, fastening curves, statistics

Definition of the target and, optionally, additional parameters

Relevant technical rules:

VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2

VDI/VDE 2862


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q10



determination of the reworking/repair strategy for a fastening position – analysis of relevant types of damage at fastening positions and derivation of possible reworking concepts


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Functionality of the overall system of the bolted joint taking into account the load collective

Bolted joint categories or classes

Definition of functionally identical solutions (target value) on the basis of damage type as in the original design

Application of methods to analyse and assess the risk of bolted joints failing

Estimation of potential damage types

Calculation and design of the bolted joint (according to VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2, for example)

Material and surface properties of the components and connection elements

Coefficients of friction in the bolted joint

Available installation tools, emergency strategy tools, measurement, and testing equipment


Relevant technical rules:

VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2

ISO 26262-1 to -10

ISO 8992

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2 and Part 3

VDI 2647

VDI/VDE 2862

ISO 898-1 to -3

DIN EN ISO 16047

DIN 7500

Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q11



test planning regarding service strength – selection of methods of analysis and test plan definition, among other things, with respect to temporal aspects, verification of calculated theoretical load assumptions


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Calculation and design of the bolted joint (according to VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2, for example)

Materials and surfaces of the components and connection elements

Factors influencing the target parameter; see parameters diagram in Figures 1 and 2, in particu-lar, environmental influences (e.g., temperature, corrosion)

Various procedures and methods for the planning the testing of service strength taking into ac-count the different conditions of use

Functionality of the overall system of the bolted joint taking into account the load collective

Measurement technology used

Creation of a test plan


Relevant technical rules:

DIN 969

DIN 65151

ISO 16130


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q12



test execution and interpretation – service strength – verification of the theoretical results by means of practical tests including in-terpretation of the test results, if necessary, initiation of corrective measures


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Relationships between tool technology and manufacturing tolerances

Tightening tools used and, where appropriate, their parametrization

Factors influencing the target parameter; see parameters diagram in Figure 1 and Figure 2, in particular, environmental influences (e.g., temperature, corrosion)

Various procedures and methods for the planning the testing of service strength taking into ac-count the different conditions of use

Functionality of the overall system of the bolted joint taking into account the load collective

Evaluation and interpretation of the results and, where appropriate, initiation of corrective measures


Relevant technical rules:

DIN 969

DIN 65151

ISO 16130

VDA 235-203

VDA 235-101


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q13



creation of technical documentation – creation and maintenance of standardized documents in the systems provided for this purpose


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Creation of specialist and appropriate documentation

Adherence to a standard nomenclature/terminology

Selection of the current, appropriate templates

Operation of the filing/documentation system


Relevant technical rules:

VDA Vol. 1

VDI 4500


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q14



standardization of tightening tools (hardware) – evaluation of commercially available tightening tools with regard to their ca-pability for the purpose of use, initiation of release testing, and preparation of a recommendation for purchasing


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Defined tightening procedure and corresponding tightening tools and their operating range

Relationships between tool technology and manufacturing tolerances

Holistic consideration of the costs of procurement, operation, and disposal (e.g. “total cost of ownership”)

Assessment of fastening technology suppliers in relation to availability, service, delivery times, and so on at the place of installation

Infrastructure at the installation location

Evaluation of the results of release testing, for example, type testing, machine capability test (MCT)

Preparation of product specifications and evaluation of functional specifications

Ergonomics in relation to the tightening tool and its accessories

Use of tightening tools according to the bolted joint category


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2649

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2

DIN EN ISO 11148-6

DIN EN 1005

ISO 11228-1 to -3

VDI/VDE 2647

VDI/VDE 2862


ISO 5393


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q15



selection of tightening tools for installation process (hardware) – selection of the tightening tools and replacement tools necessary and suitable for the proposed bolted joints


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Defined tightening procedures and corresponding tightening tools as well as their operating range

Relationships between tool technology and manufacturing tolerances

Infrastructure at the installation location

Specifications/functional specifications

Ergonomics in relation to the tightening tool and its accessories

Internally approved and capable tightening tools, hardware and their dimensions (avoidance of high maintenance costs, for example, due to wear when geared offset heads are used)

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Selection of tightening tools

Operating principle of different tightening tools

Influencing the tightening tool by means of attachments/adapter parts


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2649

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2

DIN EN ISO 11148-6

DIN EN 1005

ISO 11228-1 to -3

VDI/VDE 2647

VDI/VDE 2862


ISO 5393


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q16



provision of tightening tools for the installation process – provision of capable tightening tools for the installation process


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Arrange for capability certifications for the evaluation of tightening tools

Monitoring the capability of the tightening tools

Evaluation of suitability certificates (e.g. calibration certificate, calibration hierarchy, machine capability certificate)

Proper handling of tightening tools

Ensuring the operational readiness of the tightening tools and also adapter tools according to their application cases

Provision of tightening tools for the installation process


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2


VDI/VDE 2649


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q17



selection and provision of handling components (e.g. torque support) – evaluation of the handling components available on the market for suitability for the intended use, preparation of a specification sheet, selection of the handling components necessary and suitable for the proposed bolted joints


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Operating principle of different tightening tools

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Internally approved and capable tightening tools, hardware, and their dimensions

Classification of bolted joints

Influence of handling components on tightening tools in relation to the fastening results

Assessment of the suitability of handling components in assembly operations

Infrastructure at the installation location

Holistic consideration of the costs of procurement, operation, and disposal (e.g. “total cost of ownership”)

Ergonomics in relation to the fastening system (handling components including fastening technol-ogy and its accessories)

Selection of handling components

Provision of handling components

Preparation of product specifications and evaluation of functional specifications


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2

DIN EN ISO 11148-6

DIN EN 1005

ISO 11228-1 to -3

VDI/VDE 2862


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q18



selection and provision of adapter tools (e.g. extensions, sockets) – evaluation of the adapter tools available on the market for suitability for the intended use, preparation of general technical specifications, selection of the adapter tools necessary and suitable for the proposed fastening positions


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Operating principle of different tightening tools

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Internally approved and capable tightening tools, hardware, and their dimensions

Influence on tightening tools, measurement and testing equipment from attachments/adapter parts in relation to the results of fastening or measurement and test results

Ergonomics in relation to the tightening tool and its accessories

Special occupational safety regulations relating to the requirements and design of attach-ments/adapter parts

Special occupational safety regulations relating to the requirements and design of attach-ments/adapter parts

Selection of adapter tools

Provision of adapter tools

Preparation of general technical specifications and evaluation of functional specifications


Relevant technical rules:

ISO 2725

ISO 1174

ISO TS 21108

DIN 3124

DIN 3129


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q19



maintenance and repair of adapter tools and attachments – carrying out maintenance and repair work on adapter tools and attachments

Required competences:

Operation and handling of adapter tools and attachments

Processes for the exclusion of faulty equipment

Processes for integrating (maintained/repaired) devices into the production process

Definition and optimization of maintenance frequencies, if appropriate, based on manufacturer’s information

Carrying out maintenance and repair work


Relevant technical rules:

DIN EN 13306

DIN EN 15628

DIN 31051


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q20



selection of reworking tools – selection of the reworking tools necessary and suitable for the proposed bolted joints


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Defined tightening procedures and corresponding tightening tools as well as their operating range

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Influence on tightening tools from attachments/adapter parts

Relationships between tool technology and manufacturing tolerances

Selection of tightening tools according to the bolted joint category

Infrastructure at the installation location

Ergonomics in relation to the tightening tool and its accessories


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2

DIN EN ISO 11148-6

DIN EN 1005

ISO 11228-1 to -3

VDI/VDE 2647

VDI/VDE 2649


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q21



selection of emergency strategy tools – selection of emergency strategy tools necessary and suitable for the proposed bolted joints


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Defined tightening procedures and corresponding tightening tools as well as their operating range

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Influence on tightening tools from attachments/adapter parts

Internally approved and capable tightening tools, hardware, and their dimensions

Relationships between tool technology and manufacturing tolerances

Selection of tightening tools according to the bolted joint category

Infrastructure at the installation location

Ergonomics in relation to the tightening tool and its accessories


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2

DIN EN ISO 11148-6

DIN EN 1005

ISO 11228-1 to -3

VDI/VDE 2647

VDI/VDE 2649


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q22



test plan preparation relating to tightening tools – preparation of test plans in compliance with the technical test conditions for machine capability testing (MCT)


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Operating principle of different tightening tools with respect to the measurement and testing tech-nology (interactions)

Requirements for capability certificates such as general conditions and methods for tightening tools

Relationships between tool technology, the attachments/adapter tools used, and the frequency of testing

Defined tightening procedures and corresponding tightening tools as well as their operating range/ utilization

Preparation of test plans with selection of measurement and testing equipment taking into account intrinsic, technological, and temporal relationships, if necessary based on manufacturer’s infor-mation

Optimization of maintenance frequencies


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2

VDI 2647

VDI/VDE 2649


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q23



performance of a machine capability test (MCT), securing the machine capability of tightening tools – performing a tool- and position-related machine capability test on tightening tools including accessories


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Operating principle of different tightening tools with respect to the measurement and testing tech-nology (interactions)

Guidelines and standards relating to a machine capability test

Performance of machine capability tests (MCT)

Influence on test results from attachments/adapter parts on the tightening tool or testing tool

Determination of the usability of the measurement and testing equipment


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2

VDI/VDE 2649



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q24



evaluation and interpretation of the results of the machine capability test (MCT) – performance of the evaluation process specified by the test planning for the data collected by testing or measuring, if necessary, statistical processing of the collected data and provision of the results data for the introduction of measures


Required competences:

Operating principle of different tightening tools

Requirements for capability certificates for tightening tools

Performance of machine capability tests (MCT)

Evaluation and interpretation of the results of the machine capability test (MCT)

Use of statistical methods

Test systems and their mutual influence (test system – test object)


Relevant technical rules:

VDI 2647

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 2

VDI/VDE 2862

Important remark Tolerance specifications are not given normatively, for which reason internal specifications must be observed.


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q25



maintenance and servicing of tightening tools and systems – carrying out maintenance and repair work on tightening tools and systems


Required competences:

Operation and handling of the tools and systems

Processes for the exclusion of faulty equipment

Processes for integrating (maintained/repaired) devices into the production process

Definition and optimization of maintenance frequencies, where appropriate based on manufactur-er’s information

Carrying out maintenance and repair work


Relevant technical rules:

DIN EN 13306

DIN EN 15628

DIN 31051


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q26



standardization of measurement and testing equipment – assessment of the measurement and testing equipment available on the market for their capability for the intended use, initiation of release testing, preparation of a recommendation for purchasing


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Holistic consideration of the costs of procurement, operation, and disposal (e.g. “total cost of ownership”)

Assessment of test equipment providers with regard to availability, service, delivery times, etc. at the installation location

Infrastructure at the installation location, use possible during production

Evaluation of the results of release testing, for example, measuring device capability

Preparation of general technical specifications and evaluation of functional specifications

Ergonomics in relation to the measurement and testing equipment and its accessories

Defined measurement and testing procedures and the corresponding measurement and testing equipment as well as their mode of operation

Relationships between test technology, test methods, and test results


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2645

VDI/VDE 2646

VDI/VDE 2647

VDI/VDE 2648

DAkkS-DKD-R 3-7

DAkkS-DKD-R 3-8

DIN EN ISO 10012

DIN 51309




Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q27



selection of measurement and testing equipment for product inspection – selection of the measurement and testing equipment necessary and suitable for the proposed measurements or tests


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Infrastructure at the installation location

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Operating principle of different measuring methods

Ergonomics in relation to the measurement and testing equipment and its accessories

Internally approved and capable measurement and testing equipment, hardware, and their dimensions

Influence of attachments/adapter parts on measurement and testing equipment

Relationships between test technology, test methods, and test results

Selection of measurement and testing equipment for product inspection


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2645

VDI/VDE 2646

VDI/VDE 2647

VDI/VDE 2648

DAkkS-DKD-R 3-7

DAkkS-DKD-R 3-8

DIN EN ISO 10012

DIN 51309



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q28



provision of measurement and testing equipment and adapter tools for product inspection – provision of capable measurement and testing equipment for measurement and testing tasks


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Know-how of measurement and testing equipment

Arrange for capability certifications for the evaluation of measurement and testing equipment

Monitoring the capability of the measurement and testing equipment

Evaluation of suitability certificates (e.g. calibration certificate, calibration hierarchy, measuring equipment capability certificate)

Proper handling of measurement and testing equipment

Ensuring the operational readiness of measurement and testing equipment as well as adapter tools in accordance with their application cases

Ensuring the operational readiness of measurement and testing equipment as well as adapter tools in accordance with their application cases

Provision of measurement and testing equipment and adapter tools for product inspection


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2645


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q29



test plan preparation relating to measurement and testing equipment – preparation of test plans to ensure operational readiness (e.g. monitoring of calibration frequencies/cyclical monitoring)


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Requirements for capability certificates such as general conditions and methods for measurement and testing equipment

Preparation of test plans taking into account material and temporal relationships, if necessary, based on manufacturer’s information

Know-how of measurement and testing equipment

Evaluation of suitability certificates (e.g. calibration certificate, calibration hierarchy, measuring equipment capability certificate)

Relationships between measurement and testing equipment and the attachments/adapter tools used

Optimization of maintenance frequencies


Relevant technical rules:

DIN 1319-1 to -4

DIN 32937

DIN 51309

DAkkS-DKD-R 3-7

DAkkS-DKD-R 3-8

VDA Vol. 1

VDI/VDE 2645

VDI/VDE 2648

VDI/VDE 2646

VDI 4500 Part 1 to Part 4


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q30



performance of the calibration of measurement and testing equipment, ensuring measuring instrument capability (measuring device capability test – MDC) of measurement and testing equipment – performance of calibrations and MDC accordance with the applicable guide-lines and standards as well as the individual requirements


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Know-how of measurement and testing equipment

Guidelines and standards in relation to a calibration/MDC

Performance of calibration and measuring device capability (MDC)

Parameters and their effects on the measurement result

Influence on test results of attachments/adapter parts on the measurement and testing equipment

Determination of the calibration capability of the measurement and testing equipment

Proper use of measurement and testing equipment

Estimation of measurement uncertainty


Relevant technical rules:

DIN 376



DAkkS-DKD-R 3-7

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 1 and Part 3

VDI/VDE 2646

VDI/VDE 2648


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q31



maintenance and servicing of measurement and testing equipment – performance of maintenance and repair work on measurement and testing equipment


Required competences:

Operation and use of the measurement and testing equipment

Processes for the exclusion of faulty equipment

Processes for integrating (maintained/repaired) devices into the production process

Definition and optimization of maintenance frequencies, where appropriate based on manufactur-er’s information

Carrying out maintenance and repair work


Relevant technical rules:

DIN EN 13306

DIN EN 15628

DIN 31051


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q32



performance of a process and risk analysis for the installation process – analysis of all relevant work steps with regard to possible sources of error and work safety (e.g. by means of FMEA), coordination with adjacent technical departments and documentation of the required measures


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Analytical methodologies (e.g. FMEA)

Performance of analyses (e.g. FMEA)

Preparation of internal rules of behaviour and procedures as well as the preparation of work in-structions for the installation process (for the activity: production of the bolted joint)


Relevant technical rules:

VDA Vol. 4

DIN EN 60812


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q33



provision/installation/testing of additional process-safeguarding measures – provision/installation/testing of peripherals: e.g. worker guidance, position recognition, tool coding, recommendation for purchasing


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Performance of analyses (e.g. FMEA)

Assessment of test equipment providers with regard to availability, service, delivery times, etc. at the installation location

Holistic consideration of the costs of procurement, operation, and disposal (e.g. “total cost of ownership”)

Assessment of the functionality of the process-safeguarding measure on the basis of the analyses carried out (e.g. FMEA)

Interaction of process-safeguarding systems with fastening systems

Ergonomics in relation to the process-safeguarding measure, the tightening tool, and its accesso-ries

Infrastructure at the installation location

Preparation of general technical specifications and evaluation of functional specifications


Relevant technical rules:

VDA Vol. 4

VDA Vol. 5

DIN EN 60812

VDI/VDE 2600 Part 1



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q34



implementation of the reworking/repair strategy in the installation process – selection of alternative tightening processes and/or tightening tools in accord-ance with the required bolted joint category


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Tightening tools used and their parametrization possibilities

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Influence of attachments/adapter parts on tightening tools

Use of tightening tools according to the bolted joint category

Tightening process and its properties

Determination of reworking or repair strategies, as well as the specific field of technology (e.g. automotive engineering, mechanical engineering, plant engineering)

Description of any changes in the scope of documentation (e.g. time card in the case of manual installation)


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2862



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q35



carrying out the basic parametrization/setting of the tightening tool – initial input/adjustment of the specified target, monitoring, system, and addi-tional parameters or, in some cases, of those to be determined


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Programming of the target, monitoring, system, and additional parameters of the tightening tools

Tightening tools used and their parametrization

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Influence of attachments/adapter parts on tightening tools

Tightening process and its properties

Detection of possibly erroneous specifications from the activity “Definition of the target and, op-tionally, additional parameters”


Relevant technical rules:


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q36



tightening process – application of the installation tools for the proposed process steps in the as-signed work area/workstation (fastening sequence, etc.)


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Determination of the usability of the tightening tools

Tightening procedures and their parameters such as torque, angle of rotation, rotation speed, and their effects on the bolted joint

Cleanliness of connecting elements (protection of the coating, lubrication, influence of friction)

Safe, correct, and appropriate use of installation tools

Rules of behaviour and procedure and also work instructions for the installation process

Initiation of measures in the case of not-OK results

Performance of the tightening process


Relevant technical rules:


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q37



tightening process in the field or outside series production – tightening process during maintenance, repair, service, and modification in the field and/or outside series production


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Determination of the usability of the tightening tools

Tightening procedures and their parameters such as torque, angle of rotation, rotation speed, and their effects on the bolted joint

Cleanliness of connecting elements (protection of the coating, lubrication, influence of friction)

Safe, correct, and appropriate use of installation tools

Rules of behaviour and procedure and also work instructions for the installation process

Performance of the tightening process

Tightening tools used and, where appropriate, their parametrization

Influence of attachments/adapter parts on tightening tools

Carrying out the required documentation


Relevant technical rules:

VDI 2887

DIN EN 60300-3-14



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q38



optimization of the set monitoring and additional parameters in compliance with the specified target parameters and, where appropriate, additional parameters – position-specific, dynamic adjustment/optimization of the monitoring parame-ters in the tightening process with the aid of procedural instructions, fastening curve analyses and statistical methods


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Interpretation of fastening curves/data

Appropriate measures or adaptation of the monitoring and additional parameters

Tightening tools/systems used (options for the monitoring functions and adjustment variables)

Influencing factors and their effects on the fastening result

Use of statistical methods

Properties of the bolted joint to be optimized


Relevant technical rules:

Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q39



preparation of test plans for specified bolted joints – position-related test plan creation for the random monitoring of the installation process within the context of “statistical process control” (SPC)


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Know-how of statistics

Inspection strategies and their time scales

Preparation of test plans taking into account material and temporal relationships


Relevant technical rules:

VDA Vol. 4

VDA Vol. 5.2

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 3


IATF 16949

DIN 55350-33

DGQ Vol. 16-31 and 16-32

DIN ISO 7870-2

ISO 11462-1



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q40



defining the strategy and parameters for the PCT – planning of preparatory measures for carrying out a process capability test (PCT) and the “statistical process control” (SPC) following it, selection and definition of the screw-joint-specific methods based on a screw-joint investigation


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Determination of the measurement and testing equipment to be used

Determination of the strategy and parameters for measurement

Bolted joint on the basis of the screw-joint analysis carried out

Influence of attachments on the measurement and testing equipment

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Know-how of statistics


Relevant technical rules:

VDA Vol. 5.2, VDI/VDE 2645 Part 3, DIN EN 15865, DIN 267-27



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q41



measurement of bolted joints within serial production after the installation process – carrying out measurements after production of the bolted joint in series pro-duction


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Carrying out measurements

Influence on test results from attachments/adapter parts on the tightening tool or testing tool

Determination of the usability of the measurement and testing equipment

Influencing factors and their effects on the measurement result

Initiation of measures in the case of not-OK measurements, caused by errors in the measuring process


Relevant technical rules:

VDA Vol. 5.2

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 3



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q42



measurement of bolted joints outside serial production after the installation process – carrying out measurements after production of the bolted joint outside series production (e.g. outsourced reworking, customer service)


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Determination of the usability of the measurement and testing equipment

Carrying out measurements

Initiation of measures in the case of not-OK measurements, caused by errors in the measuring process

Influencing factors and their effects on the measurement result

Influence on test results from attachments/adapter parts on the tightening tool or testing tool


Relevant technical rules:

VDA Vol. 5.2

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 3



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q43



attributive testing of bolted joints after the installation process – carrying out tests after production of the bolted joint in accordance with the prescribed test plan,  status determination (OK/not-OK)


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Determination of the usability of the test equipment

Performance of the test

Initiation of measures in the case of not-OK measurements, caused by errors in the measuring process

Influencing factors and their effects on the test result

Influence on test results from attachments/adapter parts on the tightening tool or testing tool


Relevant technical rules:

VDA Vol. 5.2, VDI/VDE 2645 Part 3



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q44



evaluation and interpretation of the process capability test (PCT) – performance of the evaluation process specified by the test planning for the data collected by testing or measurement, if necessary, statistical processing of the collected data and provision of the results data for the introduction of measures


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Measurement and testing equipment and their mutual influence (measurement and testing equipment ↔ test object)

Initiation of measures in the case of not-OK measurements, caused by errors in the measuring process

Preparation and evaluation of the measurement and test results

Use of statistical methods

Ensuring the validity of the results data

Interpretation of a PCT

Operating principle of different tightening tools


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 3



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q45



purchasing of connecting elements and components – researching and selection of suitable suppliers, carrying out the order process


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Properties of connecting elements and components

Purchase of connecting elements and components via specification/general technical specifica-tions


Relevant technical rules:

ISO 8992

ISO 898-1 to 3



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q46



purchasing of tightening tools as well as measurement and testing equipment – researching and selection of suitable suppliers, carrying out the order process


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Purchase of tightening tools as well as measurement and testing equipment as indicated by gen-eral technical specifications


Relevant technical rules:


VDI/VDE 2862

VDMA 34160

VDI 2884

Legal requirements:

Product Liability Act (ProdHaftG)

Product Safety Act (ProdSG)



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q47



inspection of connecting elements – measuring, testing, assessing the connection elements


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Material and surface properties of the connection elements

Friction coefficients of the connection elements

Production of connection elements

Performing the measurement and testing tasks according to the connection element specification (e.g. drawing, data sheet)

Evaluation and results determination on the basis of reconciliation of actual and target states


Relevant technical rules:

VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2

ISO 8992

ISO 898

DIN EN ISO 16047

DIN 7500

VDA 235-203

VDI/VDE 2645 Part 3

VDA 235-101

DIN 267-27

DIN 267-28

DIN EN 15865

ISO 3269

ISO 4042

ISO 10683

ISO 10684



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q48



inspection of components – measuring, testing, assessing the components


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Material and surface properties of the components

Production of components

Performing the measurement and testing tasks according to the component specification (e.g. drawing, data sheet)

Evaluation and results determination on the basis of reconciliation of actual and target states


Relevant technical rules:

Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q49



coordination of information technology systems and software – planning and implementation of measures in the field of hardware and software in the infrastructure


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Exchange of process data

Coordination, validation and approval of information technology systems and software in the field of fastening technology (fastening data, measuring equipment, production equipment, visualiza-tions, operator guidance) in the defined infrastructure


Relevant technical rules:

ISO/IEC 33001


ISO/IEC 27001

ISO/IEC 27002

ISO/IEC 25010

IEEE 730


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q50



Analysis of the tightening process – investigations of bolted joints with original components to clarify behaviour with regard to the parameters relevant to fastening technology, where applicable, initiation of corrective measures and their tracking, knowledge-building, knowledge retention (experience) and knowledge transfer


Required competences:

Bolted joints and their properties

Material and surface properties of components

Installation process of the proposed bolted joint

Factors influencing the target parameter; see parameters diagram in Figure 1 and Figure 2

Analytical methodologies (e.g. FMEA)

Carrying out analyses

Tightening tools used and their parameters

Interpretation of fastening trials, for example, fastening curves, statistics

Use of statistical methods

Knowledge-building, knowledge retention (experience), and knowledge transfer


Relevant technical rules:

VDI 2230

ISO 8992

ISO 898

DIN EN ISO 16047

DIN 7500

VDA 235-203

VDI/VDE 2645

VDA 235-101

DIN 267

DIN EN 15865

ISO 3269

ISO 4042

ISO 10683

ISO 10684

VDI/VDE 2862

VDA Vol. 5.2

VDI 5610



Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q51



auditing of processes and products – auditing process and product on the technical level (including that of suppliers)


Required competences:

Installation and testing process of the proposed bolted joint

Specific internal and external normative specifications in fastening technology

Product-specific requirements

Specific qualification and competence requirements in all areas to be tested

Conducting an audit in the field of fastening technology

Factors influencing the target parameter; see parameters diagram in Figure 1 and Figure 2


Relevant technical rules:

VDI/VDE 2637


IATF 16949

VDA Vol. 6 Part 1

VDA Vol. 6 Part 3

DIN EN ISO 19011


Corsi di Formazione Personalizzati

Training module: Q52



management of employees – management, monitoring and motivation of employees


Required competences:

Implementation of current legal and normative requirements

Current committee activities

Responsibility and legal consequences

Recognition of qualification requirements (e.g., disciplinary supervisors or management) on the basis of the required qualification profiles

Provision of the required resources (time-related/monetary/structural/material)


Relevant technical rules:


IATF 16949

VDI/VDE 2862


ISO 29990

DIN SPEC 91281

Legal requirements:

Product Liability Act (ProdHaftG)

Product Safety Act (ProdSG)

Machinery Directive (2006/42/EU)

Pressure Equipment Directive (2014/68/EU)