FTS bench is a hybrid bench (hydraulic and motorized transducers) offering a complete solution in tool testing on the production line. It offers all the functions of a FTY (power tools and wrench tester) bench and AWT bench (Automatic wrench tester).
Wrench test
The motorized transducer offers automatic wrench test, in which the operator effort is not needed after the test is started. This test can evaluate life cycle of the wrench, stability of the click-point of a click wrench, or measuring the wrench Cm-Cmk. Automatic test is performed according to the ISO 6789 – 2017.
The same wrench, after the automatic test on the motorized transducer, can be anyway tested manually (on FTS hydraulic brakes) to verify in the real working condition, according to VDI/VDE norms.
There is no other bench on the market featuring this combined test.
Power tool test
The hydraulic brakes of FTS, as in the FTY, are able to simulate the fastener in all its characteristics, to test power tools and torque wrenches in the real conditions of work. Simulation can be performed from hard joint to soft joint, testing the power tools and torque wrenches in their strategy used in the production line.
Pulse tools
Even if pulse tools cannot be tested on hydraulic brakes, it is always possible to test them using an external static transducer connected to the FTS bench.
Special test
Special test, like the compared test, can be performed on the FTS bench. The tool results can be acquired (automatically or inserted manually) by the FTS, providing a compared results.