SCS Concept Germany has the first DIN EN ISO IEC 17025 DAkkS-accredited test laboratory for machine capability testing in accordance with VDI/VDE2645-2 for hand-operated and motor-driven tools. The VDI/VDE2645-2 standard is the only one of its kind in the world and has been specially designed for testing all your production tools.
Another unique feature is that SCS Concept Deutschland can now offer DAkkS measuring device capability testing in accordance with VDI/VDE2647 for your torque and angle of rotation testing and measuring systems and type testing of your production tools in accordance with VDI/VDE2647 to an accredited extent.
Trust, traceability and competence are an important building block for our professional service. You will receive expert advice and a reliable test certificate as a basis for your challenges with your quality and stability in your production.
We carry out the DAkkS tests either at our monitored and air-conditioned permanent test laboratory or at your premises.
We have state-of-the-art, in some cases fully automated, testing technologies that are traceable and monitored in accordance with the highest DAkkS standards.
We also cover a very high nominal torque and angle of rotation range. You can contact us at any time for advice in person or in writing.