
CDM – Digital torque/angle wrench with WiFi

CDM, the production wrench

CDM is a digital torque wrench, especially developed for production tightening operations. The wrench rugged design is strong enough to withstand any production environment, and the slim body suits production line environment where screws are not always easy to reach.

CDM wrench features a wide set of tightening strategies, with torque or torque/angle control.

The radio connectivity can be used to work with the SCS Concept software VPG+, the Visual Production Guide, for error proof production processes.

An Input/Output module is available, to make the wrench interfacing with the customer production system.

CDM - Digital torque/angle wrench with WiFi


  • Torque measurement with double bridge transducer to make the measurement independent of the position of the operator hand on the handle
  • Embedded gyroscope for angle measurement
  • Tightening strategies: Only torque, torque/angle, torque + angle, antigrip
  • Display with backlight
  • Onboard LEDs for real-time test results
  • Statistics computation
  • WiFi radio module for communication with VPG+
  • Can work with positioning system, to detect the wrench position in the production station
  • I/O optional module to interface with customer system, to select the tightening program, receive test results and interface with positioning system
  • Torque measurement accuracy ± 1% of rated torque
  • Powered by rechargeable battery
  • Programming software

Applications of CDM digital torque wrench:

Industrial - Tightening

For production tightening, the CDM digital torque wrench can be used as backup tool for those power tools on the production line that need to be removed for repair or maintenance. It can be used as well for special production, and critical tightening operations, where torque and angle control are required.

The wrench can work via WiFi with the SCS Concept VPG+ software (Visual Production Guide) or can be connected to the customer systems via I/O module.

Automotive, aeronautic and train industries are the main application, but this wrench, with easy interface and programming, can be used for tightening operation in any industrial environment.

With digital torque/angle wrench, it is possible to reach a high accuracy in the tightening process. Torque and angle target values and limits are set for each tightening program, and the desired tightening strategy can be selected, between only torque or torque with angle control.

CDM features an “antigrip” tightening method, which controls the slope of the tightening, detecting in real time if the screw or joint has problem, for example:

  • Joint sized-up
  • Operator tightening a screw already tighten
  • Excessive friction in the joint
  • Joint thread damaged and screw rotating without increasing the torque as expected
  • Wrong screw in the joint

Digital torque and angle reading shows in real time the results, while LED and buzzer advice the operator about the result of the operation.