Accredited Calibration Laboratory

SCS Concept Italia has reached the accreditation from ACCREDIA, the Italian accreditation office, as Calibration Accredited Laboratory for torque, in conformity with UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025 and to the ACCREDIA requirements.

Our Accredited Calibration Laboratory, already operating as mobile laboratory or Q-Direct GmbH, with DAkks D-K-15001-01-00 accreditation for Torque and Angle, thanks to its quality system, to the periodical calibration of the reference samples at EA laboratories (to assure the traceability of the calibrated equipment, calibrated with the national samples), and thanks to the use of accredited calibration procedures, is now accredited at ACCREDIA for Torque.
Our laboratory can now operate as permanent internal laboratory or as laboratory for external calibration (at the customer site).
The calibration certificates produced by our laboratory are now recognized in all countries with mutual EA, IAF and ILAC agreement.